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Funding Your Adoption

The financial barrier to adoption is real with the average costs ranging between $25,000 to $50,000. This is not only overwhelming but also discouraging for most individuals and families. However, there is hope. There are numerous resources available to help reduce the financial barrier that exists between waiting children and loving families. A great example is Show Hope’s Adoption Aid grants. To date, more than $42 million has been awarded in Show Hope Adoption Aid grants, impacting nearly 9,000 children from more than 60 countries, including the U.S. The following examples offer financial help and assistance to individuals and families on the adoption journey.

Matching Grants

Interest-Free Loans

Fundraising Support

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Many individuals and families get creative in raising funds themselves, including selling T-shirts, writing letters, and hosting walkathons as well as silent auctions.

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