At Show Hope, we consider prayer essential. (Read “How You Can Join Us in Prayer” for specific ways to pray.) We invite you to pray for protection, safety, provision, and love for the millions of children around the world who continue to wait. Pray for the families who long to add to their family through adoption—that the resources and support needed for the journey would be available.
There are many ways to make a lasting difference in the lives of waiting children through your giving. Becoming a Show Hope sponsor or donor is one of those ways, helping children enter loving families through Adoption Aid grants. You can also make a difference by using your creative gifts and talents to support Show Hope through fundraising.
Through free devotional and educational resources developed by Show Hope’s Student Initiatives program, Pause Campaign provides students an opportunity to make a difference right now in the lives of children who have been orphaned. Leading a campaign is easy, and the team at Show Hope is available to help.